2002 Research Techniques for Voice and Speech - Funding Mechanisms for New Investigators
Daniel A. Sklare, Ph. D.

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Audio Files
Dr. Gray's Introduction of Dr. Sklare
There are 50,000 submissions/year
The NIDCD success rate in good and bad times...
The R01 is the gold standard at NIH
These are good times at the NIH for new investigators
This is a good time for research and research training
Question/Answer: How is the 75% work commitment calculated?

Video Files
Dr. Gray's Introduction of Dr. Sklare

The Powerpoint Presentation in web page form:
Note: The powerpoint presentation has links on each slide to listen to the narration that goes with it. You will need an mp3 player to listen to the narration. Please allow a few seconds after clicking the link for the audio file to download to your player.

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