Program for the 2002 Research Techniques for Voice and Speech Conference

Thursday July 11, 2002.
8:00-8:10--> Introduction, Format of the meeting, Conference Goals
8:10-9:00--> Funding mechanisms for research, K08’s, K23’s, R03’s R01’s - Dan Sklare PhD
9:00- 10:00--> Genomics - Susan Thibeault PhD
10:00-10:20--> Break
10:20-11:10--> Proteomics and Pathways - Gerard Marriott, PhD
Cellular Physiology - Kimberly Fisher PhD
12:00- 1:15--> Lunch with mentors: Discussion of components of good grants
1:15-2:10--> Population Genetics, Linkage Analysis - Hilary Coon PhD
2:10-2:30--> Heritability and Voice - Steven Gray MD
2:30-2:45--> Break
2:45-3:35--> Biomechanics and Biomaterials - Ingo Titze PhD
3:35-4:25--> Tissue Engineering - Steven Gray MD
8:00-10:00--> Meet with mentors, idea development

Friday, July 12, 2002.
8:00-8:50--> Clinical Trials - Maureen Hannley PhD
8:50-10:00-->Meet with mentors, idea development
10:30-12:00-->Presentation of ideas, summary, and discussion

Research techniques and fields to be presented in this conference are: RNA identification, micro array analysis, population genetics techniques, family linkage, microscopy techniques, protein identification, tissue engineering, biomaterials, biomechanics, and clinical trials. Emphasis will be on application of this material to Voice and Speech Research.

Goals of the Conference:
1. Introduce participants to newer research techniques in cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, tissue engineering, and clinical trials.
2. Facilitate interaction between potential investigators and mentors. Help participants find mentors within fields of interest.
3. Provide mechanisms for research idea development using the tools discussed in the conference.

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